Anchored by the Quran
Join the Institute of Knowledge, Janna Institute, and Miftaah Circle for Anchored by the Quran on October 15, 2022.
As many are challenged by different hardships and distractions, it’s important that we remain anchored through a proven system; the teachings of the Qur’an. The teachings of the Qur’an were not just meant for the first few generations, rather they were meant for all of humanity for all of time, serving as an anchor for us in every single situation.✨ During our next conference in collaboration with the Institute of Knowledge and Jannah Institute held in Garden Grove, California, we will go over the beauty of the Quran and how it can remove all of our worries, hardships, and anxieties, with different scholars, such as Imam Suhaib Webb, Shaykh Abdullah Waheed, Shaykh Farhan Zubairi, Dr. Haifaa Younis, Ustadh Ubaydallah Evans, and more.⛵ In this day and age, it is most important to remain anchored by the Qur’an. 👉 Please join us on October 15th, 2022 at the Delta Hotel in Garden Grove, CA.
Early bird registration $20 per person until September 16, 2022.