On June 19, 2019, the Shura Council of Southern California Board decided to establish the Department of Public Relations for interfaith, governmental, and issue-based alliances.
A proposal for the department was reviewed and it was decided to be presented at the Shura Council General Body meeting. On June 29, 2019, the decision was presented and feedback taken from the General Body.
It was announced that a Public Relations Department has been set up by the Shura Council board to give structure to its interfaith and public relations activities. Any Muslim interested is welcome to join or nominate others.
Objective: To develop and maintain relationships on a long-term basis with interfaith and governmental entities at various levels by 1. Reviewing existing relationships of the Shura Council with other entities and their point person. 2. Establishing stronger relationships where there is a need per Shura Council’s vision and mission. 3. Organizing regular membership meetings to reassess various PR efforts under the Shura Council. 4. Establishing effective communications with various entities via online and in-person meetings, mail, and email.
The department reports to the Shura Chair and the Shura Board at least every board meeting/general body meeting.